Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Simple snare that will be able to catch small animals

Two-Stick Deadfall Trap

Your intention here is to create a precarious balance, so the slightest jostling of the trigger will cause the trap to collapse.

(1) Cut a shallow groove in one end of both upright sticks

2) Insert the trigger stick between the grooves. The upright sticks should not meet at the center of the trigger

(3) Balance the sticks as shown under the weight of the deadfall

Ojibway Bird TrapThis works best when set in a clearing where the trigger stick offers a handy perch. The slightestweight on the trigger should cause it to fall and the noose to catch the bird by its feet.
(1) Cut a 1/4-inch-diameter hole through one end of a stout 3-foot-long pole with a knife. If necessary, shave the sides of the pole to make it thin enough to make the hole. Sharpen the bottom end of the pole and drive it into the ground
(2) Whittle the end of the trigger stick so that it resembles a pencil with the point cut off. This end should fit loosely inside the hole in the pole.
3) Insert thin cord or fishing line through the hole and tie an overhand knot. Beyond the knot, form a noose. Tie the other end of the cord to a rock
(4) Drape the noose over both sides of the trigger and insert it into the pole (if it? breezy, wet the cord with saliva to help it stay put). Draw the cord until the knot catches at the point where the trigger fits into the hole, to keep it from falling back through--until a bird alights on the small stick.

Twitch-Up Snare

(1) Tie a small overhand loop knot in your parachute cord, then fold the loop back on itself to form Mickey Mouse ears and weave the tag end through the ears as illustrated

(2) To build the twitch-up snare, use more cord to tie a spring pole or the branch of a small tree in tension

(3) Set up a trigger mechanism like the one shown. When the animal? head goes through the loop, the trigger is released, and it snatches the animal into the air, out of reach of other predators

Fish Trap

After dark, fish often cruise the shorelines of a lake or the shallow inside bend of a streamdeal places for a trap
(1) Build it as shown with the materials at hand: logs, rocks, or stakes driven into the bottom
(2) The diversion arm of the trap directs fish into the V entrance. Most won? be able to find their way out. Close the entrance and net the fish with a seine made by tying a shirt between two poles. This is much more effective than trying to spear fish or catch them with your hands

Squirrel Snare

(1) Make a small loop by wrapping the snare wire around a pencil-diameter stick twice, then turning the stick to twist the wire strands together.
(2) Pass the long wire end through the loop to form the snare.
(3) To build a squirrel snare, attach a series of small wire snares around a long stick propped against a tree. You can catch several at a time with this setup.

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